Saturday, April 2, 2011

So, I guess because I scrapbook I don't feel the need to blog as much? Okay, flimsy excuse, but it has been two years. Life is pretty routine around here. MeiLing is growing, my love and I continue to age, I still miss my parents as much today as the day they each left this planet, and I miss not having a mother or sisters in my life right now. As the surgery is looming that brings both wistfulness and elation I figure it must be the reason for the need of female closeness. I have been blessed with aunts, girlie cousins, and numerous friends. Each has their vital role that I've assigned to my life. However, they can't fill the role of mom or sister. I have also been blessed with the greatest brother any little girl could ever have, but I have to say he is a bit horrified by the turn of conversation when it comes to finally being rid of my curse. For me, it has truly been a curse with no bundled blessing to look back and say it was all worth it. So I guess I will be content to say I'm glad to be a woman and "that" has been what makes it so. Good enough.