Friday, November 28, 2008

We are truly thankful.

Thanksgiving 08

We were first thankful that Aunt Evelyn took over the food preparations, and we were glad to do what she asked. The turkey and her dressing recipe are fantastic and were definately the best part of the meal.

Gordon and I were trying to decide how long it had been since the Thornes and Shaeffers spent a Thanksgiving together. We decided it was too long to remember when. The only people missing from this photo who appeared at our house for Thanksgiving were Ruth Milgrim (Kelby's mother), Uncle Norm who came for the morning preparation activities, and Brian who spent the day with his uncles.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

This blog should be titled the Halloween that should have been, and be filled with our little mummy, MeiLing. It was also 20 year high school reunion time for us, so that is the picture I have posted. The text is in green in honor of the Phoenix Christian High School cougers who won the homecoming game 48-7 rah. This picture is about thirty-five or so of us 20 years later all responsible and talking work and kids. My how time flies.
Now about Halloween... We were all ready to have MeiLing dress up like a mummy and bought the wraps and everything. However, three days before Halloween she got into trouble at school and lied to her parents. We are kind of into shock and awe when it comes to punishment since I really would rather deal with this behavior now and not when she's 14 years old. However, this was really hard because after all, how many Halloweens do we get to do this. So it's no candy for MeiLing this year and hopefully the lying will be curbed for a while anyway.