Friday, November 28, 2008

We are truly thankful.

Thanksgiving 08

We were first thankful that Aunt Evelyn took over the food preparations, and we were glad to do what she asked. The turkey and her dressing recipe are fantastic and were definately the best part of the meal.

Gordon and I were trying to decide how long it had been since the Thornes and Shaeffers spent a Thanksgiving together. We decided it was too long to remember when. The only people missing from this photo who appeared at our house for Thanksgiving were Ruth Milgrim (Kelby's mother), Uncle Norm who came for the morning preparation activities, and Brian who spent the day with his uncles.

1 comment:

gs thorne said...

Hey, how come I didn't know about your blog? This makes you official blogger for the Shaeffer and Milgrim side of the family. I'll get you on my list.